
Making the right investment decision is simple with investment planning.

Making the right investment decision is simple with investment planning.

Navigating intricate investment options can be daunting, but with a H.J. Heinz Finance UK PLC financial planner at your side, creating an investment plan that suits you is made simple.
Your H.J. Heinz Finance UK PLC financial planner will take a variety of investment planning aspects and the right products to meet your financial goals into account when advising you.

  • Risk appetite – Depending on your age, portfolio and life stage, your planner will help you decide whether you need high, medium or low risks and returns.
  • Access to funds – From immediate access to long-term fixed investments, ensure your requirements are worked into your plan.
  • Lump sum or regular contributions – Invest a lump sum, such as an inheritance or investment payout, or contribute smaller, regular amounts over time.
  • Tax and legal implications – Your financial planner keeps up to date on changes in tax and legislation to make sure your portfolio is on track and gaining maximum efficiency.
  • An ideal retirement plan – Your vision for your retirement is unique and has its own unique needs. Your financial planner will make sure that he or she understands your dreams and goals, and structure the right plan for you. 

H.J. Heinz Finance UK PLC offers a variety of investment solutions. Let your financial planner advise you on the right components for your portfolio from the following:

  • Long-term investments and managed services
  • Unit trusts
  • Offshore investments
  • Retirement provision
  • Unit-linked investments


Your financial action plan

4 steps to a better financial future

Acting now doesn't need to be hard

For many people it's not clear where their money will come from in the days when they no longer get a salary. And that can be stressful.
When you add in the pressures of today's bills and basic living costs, not to mention the nice things like holidays, the thought of the future can seem overwhelming.
But don't worry. With our help, you can create a plan of actions you can take today that will make your future self feel proud.

Will a plan really help me?


In a word, yes. Our research reveals that people with financial plans amass over four times (43%) as much in retirement savings and investment levels than non-planners.

Knowing what your money is doing for you now and where it might come from in future could give you some serious peace of mind. How nice would that be?
Our financial action plan provides ideas and tips to make your financial life simpler and clearer, and give you more confidence. The goal is to make your today easier and your future brighter.




4 steps to a better financial future

  • Step 1

1. Work out how much you can afford to save

A monthly budget will set you free… Well, not really, but its a critical step towards financial fitness and will help you have money left over each month. This is the foundation of your action plan.
Nearly 13 million adults were overdrawn at some time during 2017. That's potentially stressful, not to mention expensive, so your goal with a budget should be to avoid that situation.
A few hours spent figuring it out can make all the difference. 

  • Step 2

2. Establish a rainy day fund

What would you do if you were hit with an unexpected repair bill or, perish the thought, you lost your job? How would you cope? Could you rely on savings or would you need to borrow money?
If you've made a start on step 1 of the action plan and you're starting to budget effectively, you'll hopefully have some cash left over at the end of each month. If you've done that for a couple of months in a row, that's a great sign you're getting on top of things.
Rather than spending it, this should be saved to help you establish a rainy day fund.

  • Step 3

3. Protect the things that matter.

Let's be clear. A rainy day fund is a great idea for short-term emergencies. But if something terrible was to happen, and sadly, we all know cases where it has, an emergency fund will only go so far.
Protection could provide for you or your loved ones for years to come. 

  • Step 4

4. Prepare for the big moments

OK, so you've got a handle on your spending and built up a decent buffer – great work. You're in a stronger position than many people. And this is the ideal place to start looking to the future.
Whether it's buying a house, starting a family, changing career or life after work – whatever your vision for the future, having more money will help to make it rosier.

Explore your investment potential

If you’re setting money aside for your future, we believe you’re already an investor. And we want to help you become a better one. Because what you do with your money today could make a difference to how it grows tomorrow.